Religion & Mythology

I undertook a year-long homemade course on religion and mythology, during which I read, amongst other things, the 'Holy Trilogy' (Hebrew Bible; New Testament; Qur'an). I wrote to organise my thoughts; on this page I have organised my posts firstly thematically, then chronologically. The early posts are heavy on summary; when I started the Qur'an I found that it did not lend itself to summary, so from then on my posts became a more balanced combination of summary, history and discussion. I also wrote a brief history of Jewish, Christian, and Islamic fundamentalism.

I wrote conclusions for each volume in the trilogy, and a final conclusion summarising my opinions on religious matters.

Hebrew Bible

When I began reading the Hebrew Bible, I was resolved to summarise it in as much detail as possible:
  1. Genesis 1-3 (Adam & Eve)
  2. Genesis 4-11 (Cain & Abel, Noah, Tower of Babel)
  3. Genesis 12-25 (Abraham) 
  4. Genesis 26-36 (Jacob & Esau)
  5. Genesis 37-50 (Joseph)
  6. Genesis Super Summary
  7. Exodus 1-15 (Moses & Ten Plagues of Egypt) 
  8. Exodus 16-40 (Manna from Heaven, Ten Commandments, Golden Calf)
  9. Leviticus (Laws) 
  10. Numbers (Quail Plague, Sticks on the Sabbath, Korah's Rebellion, Fiery Serpents, Balaam)
  11. Deuteronomy (Moses' Speech)
  12. Joshua (Conquering the Promised Land)
  13. Judges 1-5 (Ehud, Jael)
  14. Judges 6-8 (Gideon)
  15. Judges 9-12 (Jephthah)
  16. Judges 13-16 (Samson)
  17. Judges 17-21 (Levite & Concubine)
    At this point I took a break to read the Qur'an and some of the New Testament. When I returned to the Hebrew Bible I had decided to be less thorough with my summaries:
  18. David & Jonathan
  19. Lamentations
  20. Proverbs
  21. Song of Songs
  22. Chronicles
  23. Habakkuk
  24. Nahum
  25. Haggai
  26. Zephaniah
  27. Esther
  28. Conclusion
    I also wrote four posts about stories from the Hebrew Bible's expanded universe:
  29. Creation, Extended Edition
  30. Adam & Eve, Extended Edition
  31. The Ten Generations, Extended Edition
  32. Judith
    And three posts about Hebrew Bible scholarship:
  33. The Documentary Hypothesis
  34. Elohim vs Yahweh
  35. The Names of God

New Testament

I decided to read the New Testament books in the approximate order they were written, not in the order in which they are presented in Bibles, so I could see how Christian scripture developed during the early years of the church. My first post is a timeline which sets out this order with some history. The pre-Qur'an posts are longer and more detailed.
  1. Timeline
  2. 1 Thessalonians, Galatians
  3. 1 Corinthians
  4. Philemon, Philippians
  5. 2 Corinthians
  6. The Gospel of Mark
  7. The Gospel of Matthew
    I wrote a post about the conflict between Pauline and Jewish Christianity:
  8. Pauline Gentiles & Jewish Christians
    And decided to read the Qur'an, then finish off the Hebrew Bible, before returning to the New Testament:
  9. The Synoptic Gospels
  10. Hebrews
  11. The Gospel of John
  12. Conclusion
    I also wrote a piece which began as a comparison of flood myths but became about the development of the fallen angel myth out of Judaism and into Christianity:
  13. Floods & Fallen Angels
    Considerable time later, I re-read and wrote about the Book of Revelation:
  14. Revelation 1-5: Ascending to Heaven
  15. Revelation 6-8: The Seven Seals
  16. Revelation 8-11: The Seven Trumpets
  17. Revelation 12: The Woman and the Dragon
  18. Revelation 13: The Beasts


I used Tarif Khalidi's translation. For history, my sources were Karen Armstrong's Islam: A Short History and John Esposito's The Future of Islam.

Myths of the Near East

I abridged and retold a selection of myths from the Folio Society anthology Myths of the Near East:
Paradise Lost by John Milton
Gods and Spaceships: Religion in Science Fiction
The Revolt of the Angels by Anatole France
To Reign In Hell by Steven Brust
Penguin Island by Anatole France
I, Lucifer by Glen Duncan
The Prince of Darkness by Jeffrey Burton Russell
Inventing Hell by Jon M. Sweeney

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